Showing 1 - 25 of 202 Results
English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases Collected from the Most Authentic Sources, Alphabeti... by Hazlitt, William Carew 1834... ISBN: 9781362233602 List Price: $31.95
Letters of Charles Lamb : With Some Account of the Writer, His Friends and Correspondents, a... by Lamb, Charles 1775-1834, Ha... ISBN: 9781372251610 List Price: $20.95
The Hazlitts: an Account of Their Origin and Descent, With Autobiographical Particulars of W... by Hazlitt William Carew 1834-... ISBN: 9781313390583 List Price: $34.95
Leisure Intervals by Hazlitt William Carew 1834-... ISBN: 9781313390606 List Price: $23.95
Montagu and Co.; an Original Comedy in Four Acts by Hazlitt William Carew 1834-... ISBN: 9781313390613 List Price: $22.95
Schools, School-Books and Schoolmasters; a Contribution to the History of Educational Develo... by Hazlitt William Carew 1834-... ISBN: 9781313106528 List Price: $28.95
Shakespear, Himself and His Work; a Biographical Study by Hazlitt William Carew 1834-... ISBN: 9781313112741 List Price: $34.95
Shakespear by Hazlitt William Carew 1834-... ISBN: 9781313112734 List Price: $28.95
A Hundred Merry Tales: the Earliest English Jest-Book. Now First Reproduced in Photolithogra... by Hazlitt William Carew 1834-... ISBN: 9781313114264 List Price: $22.95
The English Drama and Stage Under the Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1543-1664, Illustrated by a ... by Hazlitt William Carew 1834-... ISBN: 9781313132114 List Price: $28.95
The Book-Collector: a General Survey of the Pursuit and of Those Who Have Engaged in it at H... by Hazlitt William Carew 1834-... ISBN: 9781313547994 List Price: $28.95
Paris and Vienne : Thystorye of the Noble Ryght Valyaunt and Worthy Knyght Parys and of the ... by Caxton, William Ca 1422-149... ISBN: 9781348238782 List Price: $22.95
Great Gold Fields of Cariboo; with an Authentic Description Brought down to the Latest Perio... by Hazlitt, William Carew 1834... ISBN: 9781348254324 List Price: $21.95
Poems; Now First Collected and Edited with Notes from the Former Editions and New Notes and ... by Carew, Thomas 1595?-1639?, ... ISBN: 9781363616817 List Price: $16.95
Shakespeare's Library; a Collection of the Plays, Romances, Novels, Poems, and Histories Emp... by Hazlitt, William Carew 1834... ISBN: 9781363686124 List Price: $18.95
Shakespeare's Library; a Collection of the Plays, Romances, Novels, Poems, and Histories Emp... by Hazlitt, William Carew 1834... ISBN: 9781363686148 List Price: $28.95
Shakespeare's Library; a Collection of the Plays, Romances, Novels, Poems, and Histories Emp... by Hazlitt, William Carew 1834... ISBN: 9781363687107 List Price: $17.95
Shakespeare's Library; a Collection of the Plays, Romances, Novels, Poems, and Histories Emp... by Hazlitt, William Carew 1834... ISBN: 9781363687145 List Price: $27.95
Livery Companies of the City of London : Their Origin, Character, Development, and Social an... by Hazlitt, William Carew 1834... ISBN: 9781363709502 List Price: $33.95
Livery Companies of the City of London by Hazlitt, William Carew 1834... ISBN: 9781363709458 List Price: $24.95
Round Table. Northcote's Conversations. Characteristics by Hazlitt, William 1778-1830,... ISBN: 9781363733187 List Price: $21.95
Round Table. Northcote's Conversations. Characteristics by Hazlitt, William 1778-1830,... ISBN: 9781363733217 List Price: $30.95
Shakespeare Jest-Books; Reprints of the Early and Very Rare Jest-Books Supposed to Have Been... by Hazlitt, William Carew 1834... ISBN: 9781371214296 List Price: $26.95
Shakespeare Jest-Books; Reprints of the Early and Very Rare Jest-Books Supposed to Have Been... by Hazlitt, William Carew 1834... ISBN: 9781371214272 List Price: $16.95
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